Web 3, NFTs, DAOs and the Metaverse - How Does it Work Together? (Panel)

Web 3, NFTs, DAOs and the Metaverse - How Does it Work Together? (Panel)

Industry Insights: Web 3.0, NFTs, DAOs and the Metaverse - How Does it Work Together? (Panel Discussion)

Web3, NFTs, DAOs, and the Metaverse – three different topics which overlap in a variety of discussions and are required to work together. What are the use cases of the collaboration? What are possibilities and what are needs? The Panelists discuss these subjects while giving interesting input and examples regarding each topic.


Watch this video on YouTube (ca. 29 min)

About the lecturers

With over six years of Web3 experience, Sheraz Ahmed has advised hundreds of startups on the implementation of modern practices to further their business objectives. As the Managing Partner of STORM Partners, an all-in-one service provider, and as the Co-Executive Director of the Crypto Valley Association, he drives growth, collaboration, and integrity across the global blockchain ecosystem!

Calendly profile of Sheraz Ahmed

Anna Graf loves to create, connect and innovate. All into NFTs and Web3 - Strategic Consultant and Facilitator. She is a member of a global art exhibition and the founder of the NFT art prize. She worked as a consultant for various NFT projects including WWF as NGO, and always looks for sustainable solutions connecting real-life and virtual experiences. She started at MISA in December 2021 to open the traditional art market to a wider audience including NFTs, physicals, and fractionalized ownership.

LinkedIn profile of Anna Graf

Benjamin Horvath works as the Managing Director of Blockrocket, one of the leading VC firms for early-stage web3 startups. Based in Germany, the company invests globally with check sizes of 100k-300k in pre-seed and seed startups of promising founders and web3 use cases.

LinkedIn profile of Benjamin Horvath

Dr. Annette Doms is an art historian with expertise in technology-based art. In 2014 she co-founded and managed Germany's first art fair for digital art UNPAINTED. Since 2021, overwhelmed by the long-awaited breakthrough of the blockchain and the possibilities of a decentralized future, she has been working across industries in the still-young Web3 area. She is co-founder and partner of the digital art gallery xcircle – a curated platform, that combines IRL experience with a virtual experience. She is also co-founder of the Web3 consulting agency MUC/labs, whose interdisciplinary team aims to build bridges to the future of digital ownership. Furthermore, she is a lecturer in the history of digital art at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich and expands this educational mandate as an author and keynote speaker on the topics of NFT, Metaverse and Web3.

LinkedIn profile of Dr. Annette Doms

Dr. Marc Henniges did his Ph.D. in physics with a focus on the application of machine learning and now holds a manager position in the blockchain practice at d-fine. In this role, he has participated in several successful client projects, from tokenization to Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and has gained experience in Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) as well as pay-per-use applications. He uses his comprehensive blockchain insights to help clients in structuring their blockchain-related enterprise - from project management to implementation.

LinkedIn profile of Dr. Marc Henniges

Prof. Dr. Isabell M. Welpe has been the chair of the Strategy and Organization research group at the Technical University of Munich, Germany since 2009 and the Academic Director of the Bavarian State Institute for Higher Education Research and Planning (IHF) since 2014. The expertise of Professor Welpe includes digital transformation of companies, business model innovation, tokenization of assets, emerging digital technologies, the impact of blockchain on the economy and organizations, and the future of leadership and work/organizational design.

LinkedIn profile of Prof. Dr. Isabell M. Welpe


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